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OUR MISSION: The National ConsensUS Party (NCP) is a U.S. Presidential Electoral Party registered with and sanctioned by the Federal Elections Commission that strives to develop a consensus policy platform in line with our continually shifting political, technological, and economic landscapes. The NCP is part of a broader response to our current crises of democracy and institutional legitimacy. Our mission is to inject participatory democracy into party politics in collaboration with our fellow citizens. We engage diverse U.S. publics in the process of identifying pain points that interfere with the functioning and health of our democracy. Our mission is to redesign party politics around a rights-based framework that recognizes the shared responsibility of individuals, communities, businesses, and government to cultivate collective and individual thriving.

OUR VISION: Our vision is a political platform, built for The People and by The People, grounded in a well-informed consensus around the most pressing issues facing our country today. We believe politics-as-usual has failed many U.S. citizens and that we owe it to future generations to correct the flaws in our systems. It’s time we take our children and youth into complete consideration. They can lead the way in designing a world where The People are not merely represented by politicians but express the full force of their political will through participatory research and design, policy reform, and systems change.

For and by the will of The People, we envision a commonsense society that flourishes through community engagement, scientific and technological advancement, and sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Our vision is a constellation of social systems that strategically optimize for the very human values that energise and maintain the people served by them, while maintaining harmony with the environment and balancing the needs of all citizens. As a Presidential Electoral party, we work together–state by state, jurisdiction by jurisdiction, and hand-in-hand with The People to simulate, test, and evaluate policy solutions, putting theory and best available evidence into practice. We work with community leaders, businesses, entrepreneurs, academic researchers, and civic and social organizations to shape laws and regulations and secure equity empowerment for all.

OUR VALUES: We, the National Consensus Party (NCP), hereby dedicate ourselves to sustaining the well-being of our country and fellow global citizens, uniting The People around a National Consensus, and expediting the social right to life and free will. We support policies and partners that optimize for equity and sustainability in the distribution of education, resources, and opportunities around the globe. Whereas politicians make lofty promises to their constituents, often without delivering on them, we identify and deliberate on social, political, and economic problems, working with our fellow citizens to build solutions from the ground up. We live the value of participatory democracy by reforming and (re)designing the systems we investigate. Above all, we are a party of action during a time in U.S. history when a more intentional/intelligent model of civic participation is sorely needed to keep pace with technological change.

We stand against mis/disinformation, identity politics, culture wars, and other petty distractions from the real human rights violations and threats to democracy that currently plague us. We stand against the use of polarizing, morally charged rhetoric that only serves to antagonize and divide us as citizens. We value unity, respect for difference, and personal freedoms. We recognize the need to openly confront and resolve conflicts based on differences in beliefs, attitudes, ethics, values, practices, and imagined solutions. We commit to fearlessly exploring these differences so that we can address citizens’ needs in a fair, equitable, and unbiased manner.

We toil to eradicate the ‘War on Drugs’ and all wars waged against citizens, domestic and foreign. We stand behind individual liberty, of which the right to live unapologetically as a "FREE PEOPLE" unabated by institutions, whether public or private, is a necessary component. We maintain that one’s body is inviolable and subject to one’s will alone; to willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own freedoms. We strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all human and non-human creatures, in accordance with reason. We conform to our best understanding of the world and take care not to distort information to fit our personal biases. If we make a mistake, we do our best to rectify any harm we might have caused. We The People inspire nobility in action and thought. The struggle for justice and freedom is an ongoing pursuit that should, when necessary, prevail over laws and institutions in the form of peaceful protest and constructive resistance. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail.

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